A selection from my book of 40 photographs
and attendant copy:

Manchester, Ohio

“Peeling paint on garage doors.”

The painter, Edward Hopper. was quoted as saying, “I just want to paint sunlight on the side of a house.” As a photographer, one of my favorite subjects is “nothing.”

Two Cows in a Field
An Impressionist heads south on the Olympic Peninsula, one rainy afternoon.

This is a photo of the forest in my backyard,
taken with a “Brownie” box camera when I was ten years old.
Sometimes you just point, shoot, and, arguably, get lucky.

Rural Homestay (Bed & Breakfast) – Cienfuegos, Cuba, May 2016

Richmond, California

From Wabi-Sabi, First Edition

Wabi-Sabi – Decay…Emptiness…and Other
Ephemeral Beauty Available here
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