Avenue Ballroom Photos

Avenue Ballroom, circa 1980

Above (L-R): 1) With my dance partner, Etta Hallock, out dancing on the street one afternoon to promote my dances and classes; 2) One of the early Saturday night dances at the then-Mandala Folkdance Center – I set up the DJ stand and moved some of the tables and chairs forward so we used only 2/3 of the room, since we had only about 50 dancers in attendance; 3) The height of 1970’s technology: 45 rpms on a turntable resting on a foam rubber platform, and a light show made of Christmas tree bubble lights; 4) Dick “The Bop” Vivian was a guest instructor at one of our weekend workshops, (barely) shown here with partner, Bijou; 5) Avenue instructors, Carlos and Sheila Chavez, and dancers, at one of our Friday night west coast swing parties; 6) The crowd was bigger and the space remodeled and redecorated, once I took over the space in 1980. (Also, color photography had been invented!); 7) A Shag workshop at the Avenue with guest instructors, Jonathan and Sylvia; 8) Halloween dance party at the Avenue; 9, 10, 11) With Avenue instructor, Kelly Buckwalter; 12) Halloween Costume Contest winners at a Saturday night dance; 13) Two dancers enjoying themselves; 14) With Etta in a promotional photo shoot in front of the Palace of Fine Arts. Etta and I had occasions to dance on a variety of surfaces – uneven and tentatively nailed plywood sheets on stages high above the street, the sides of sloping, grassy hillsides, and here, on a huge decorative concrete urn – all in a day’s work!

Promo shots with dance partner, Etta Hallock

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