I wrote it in the third person, as if I were reporting on the consideration of someone else for the position; It mimics the style of the Outlook as it looked at that time.
In the course of applying for the position, I discovered the date and location of the next meeting of the Board of Directors of the Kensington Community Council – the volunteer group that publishes the town newspaper (and hires the editor). I showed up in advance of that meeting and made sure each of the board members got one of these flyers.
I eventually got the job. I can’t be sure, but I think this helped.

medical technology for women who want to become pregnant.
The owner of this site was a doctor from another country; English was not her first language. An additional, and larger problem was that she didn’t have a clear picture of why she wanted a website. She felt she had important – and even revolutionary – information that she wanted to get out into the world, but she wasn’t clear on who her primary audience was – women who were having difficulty becoming pregnant, obstetricians, or national policy makers; nor was she clear on if – or how – she wanted to monetize her discoveries/invention.
In the end, through much discussion, I was able to discern that all three of those groups comprised her target audience. I never did discover how she expected to make any money from her site.
Any comments can be left at the bottom of the Welcome Page. Thanks!