Done Waiting

You’re the girl next door —
The woman I adore —
I know you’re the godot
That I’ve been waiting for.

You’re the starlet with the hairdo that got the part,
A woman who puts the horse before the cart,
A headline I read right from the start –
“Grand Thief Steals Local Man’s Heart.”

You’re the number that just came up
The extinct species with a brand new pup,
The Jo in Napoleon’s morning cup
It’s you on my mind when I hear, “Yo, wha’s up?”

You’re the one-armed man on the grassy knoll
The turnpike lane that needs no toll
The cherries of which my life’s a bowl,
You’re the grail I’ve sought to make me whole.

A popular item now out of stock
You’re up-to-the-minute on every clock;
You’re the sticker that gives me a shock,
The neighbor to count on down the block.

A Hansom cab in the English Chunnel,
It’s you at the vortex of every funnel;
You’re the light at the end of the tunnel,
When a joke won’t do but perhaps a pun’ll.

You’re the starting pitcher that’s never been hit
The retired postman that’s never been bit
A cobbler’s first last for that perfect fit,
You’re the whole kaboodle that makes the kit.

A streetlight shining where I lost my keys,
A special exemption that waives my fees,
A global position known only to bees;
You’re a gratitude when I’m on my knees.

And grateful I am
I’ve a tongue to bite,
‘Else I’d have to admit
All right.


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